by Chantal Imbach | Nov 12, 2021 | Decluttering, Maintenance, Organise, Phone Photos, Photo Organisation, Planning, Routines
5 Minutes a Day keeps the Photo Clutter Monster away Have you heard of ‘5 minutes a day keeps the clutter away?’ It’s the same with photos – let’s tackle that photo mess so the clutter monster has no chance! Organised people have systems and routines in place...
by Chantal Imbach | Feb 19, 2021 | Maintenance, Photo Organisation, Routines
3 simple habits to manage digital photos easily Photo management projects are often quite big and can quickly become extremely overwhelming. If that happens, we tend to fall into the procrastination trap but this won’t solve your photo mess. Let me share 3 habits that...
by Chantal Imbach | Dec 21, 2020 | Personal, Photo Organisation, Routines
Confessions of a Photo Organiser As a professional Photo Manager, I have a perfectly organised photo collection … NOT I can’t talk for other professional photo managers but I for one have to (unfortunately) admit that my collection is far from being perfectly...
by Chantal Imbach | May 2, 2016 | Decluttering, Maintenance, Organise, Routines
A holistic approach to getting organised Since I’ve become a professional organiser, it has become clearer to me that a holistic approach is necessary to create order and, more importantly, to keep it that way. Oftentimes you hear people talking about decluttering,...
by Chantal Imbach | Mar 11, 2013 | Home Office, Office, Paperwork, Routines, Work from Home
Your Work-from-Home Routine Working from home is many people’s dream but it can be challenging and daunting. Temptation to just go with the flow can be huge. Professional organiser Chantal Imbach, of Simply In Order, shares the power of routines. There are plenty of...