by Chantal Imbach | Sep 11, 2023 | Backup, Decluttering, Digital Photos, Digitising, Legacy, Organise, Photo Organisation, Planning, Printed Photos, Scanning, Vital Documents
How to Protect Your Photos from Natural Disasters Imagine you lost all your photos in a natural disaster. How would this make you feel? Sad? Angry? Devastated? Shocked? Overcome with grief? It doesn’t have to come to this. All that is required is a bit of planning....
by Chantal Imbach | Jul 27, 2023 | Backup, Digital Photos, Maintenance
It’s Time to Convert DVDs and CDs for Photo Storage Have you still got DVDs and CDs with photos and videos? You’re not alone – almost all families I’ve worked with, including my own, had them. In the early 2000s, DVDs and CDs revolutionised the way...
by Chantal Imbach | Sep 12, 2022 | Backup, Digital Photos, Legacy, Organise, Planning, Vital Documents
When is “someday”? Decluttering and organising photos is one of those typical tasks that people postpone to ‘someday’. When is ‘someday’ though? When the kids will have moved out? When you retire? When you take long service leave? Fact is …...
by Chantal Imbach | Jul 10, 2021 | Backup, Cloud Service, Phone Photos, Photo Organisation, Travel
How to Backup Photos While Travelling I have travelled quite a bit in my life, mostly before I had a digital camera and a smart phone, and backup was never even mentioned. So, after the holidays, I had a few rolls of film that needed developing. From there, they went...
by Chantal Imbach | Jan 25, 2021 | Backup, Children, Decluttering, Scanning
How to Declutter, Digitise, Store, and Back Up Children’s Artwork In my last post, I shared a few ideas about how to display children’s artwork. Today, let’s talk about how we can declutter, digitise, store, and back up these masterpieces. Whether they’re on display...
by Chantal Imbach | Nov 12, 2020 | Apple Photos, Backup, Balance, Bills, Uncategorised
Set up a new photo management system first – deal with the backlog second Too often I’ve come across this misconception of not being able to implement a new photo management system because you have to fix the photo mess that goes back decades first… and I...