Your Photo Management Questions Answered – Facebook Live 002
March 27, 2020Facebook Live Q&A #002
Your Photo Management Questions answered
Albums and Camera Roll on iPhones
We are looking at albums on iPhones. There is often the misunderstanding that once photos in the camera roll are added to albums, they will disappear from the camera roll. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. The images and videos in the camera roll are like the master file. When we add a photo to an album, this is only a virtual album. It doesn’t create a copy of the original master file nor does it move it out of the camera roll.
How to Redate and rename photos
If our phone camera is our main camera, adjusting the capture date will hardly ever be necessary. However, oftentimes SLR cameras have wrong dates and scanned photos of course, too. What to do then? If we like photos to be in the correct chronological order, adjusting the capture date will be necessary. Listen from 3:45 to hear what tools there are to help us with this task.
Renaming is another common question – is it even worth doing? As a professional photo organisier I have to say ‘yes’, absolutely. And I do it myself. Again, listen from 9:20 in the video to hear about helpful apps for that. Be assured that you don’t have to rename files one by one, you can absolutely work in batches.
How to Share photos
If there is a family photo keeper, this person will be looking after the family’s photo hub. However, usually, that then sits on a computer or maybe on an external hard drive. How can it be shared with the rest of the family? And how can it be shared in a way that nobody else can make changes to the hub and accidentally delete photos or make other changes? Listen from 16:08 to hear about this topic.
Gathering photos from various mobile phones
What to do if photos come to the hub from various mobile phones and they have different naming conventions? Some might be named using the capture date with dashes in between, others using underscores etc. This would be a reason to rename the files once they are all gathered in the hub. Check from 22:30 for my answers.
Please leave a comment below or contact me directly on to ask your photo management questions you’d like answered. Even if you can’t join me live next time, I can still answer your question and you can always go back to the recording.