by Chantal Imbach | Sep 14, 2020 | Backup, Organise, Photo Organisation, Windows
Manage your Photos using your Windows PC Being in the photo management and decluttering business, one of my mottos is to ‘use what you have’. If you are using a Windows PC to manage your photos, you can absolutely do everything with what has come with your PC,...
by Chantal Imbach | Jun 1, 2020 | Backup, Children, Decluttering, Digitising, Scanning, Sentimental
Digitise, Display and Declutter Children’s Artwork Once your child starts day care or pre-school, you’re sure to have a never ending stream of artwork brought home. While children’s artwork is a wonderful expression of their creativity, and a great keepsake, it...
by Chantal Imbach | Mar 2, 2020 | Backup, Cloud Service, Photo Organisation
Recover photos after a bush fire or another natural disaster Recover photos after a bush fire or another natural disaster With the recent catastrophic bushfires in Australia, but also the floods that followed and other natural disasters such as storms, many of us...
by Chantal Imbach | Mar 30, 2019 | Backup, Cloud Service, Personal, Photo Organisation, Sentimental, Vital Documents
How I lost and recovered my photos! You will not believe what happened to me! Very shortly after doing that Facebook Live session talking about the 3-2-1 backup method I accidentally dropped my external hard drive on which I store my photo collection or hub as we call...
by Chantal Imbach | Mar 28, 2019 | Backup, Cloud Service, Photo Organisation, Sentimental, Vital Documents
3-2-1 Backup Method for Digital Photos Are you worried you might lose your precious digital photos and videos? In our photo organising industry the saying goes that it is not a question of if it ever happens but when. In this day and age we have to expect that we will...
by Chantal Imbach | Apr 25, 2018 | Backup, Cloud Service, Photo Organisation
SmugMug buys Flickr – what does that mean for you and your photo collection? You might have heard in the news that Flickr is being bought by SmugMug. What exactly does this mean for you if you have a Flickr account? First of all, nothing will change at the...